Can CBD Help With Aging?

February 20, 2024
Can CBD Help With Aging?
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Legend has it that a secret Fountain of Youth exists somewhere in the world, a fountain unlike any other: its waters gave life everlasting to those lucky enough to drink. The famed historians Heradotus, powerful king Alexander the Great, and even the Spanish explorer Ponce De Leon all spent countless years of history searching in vain for this mystical body of water, of course to no avail. The irony of these searches is that these meant wasted time that they could never reclaim, time that inevitably was wasted as they grew older! We can think of a lot better ways to waste time than searching for something they’d only heard in stories.

Unfortunately, aging is a part of life; there’s no magical Fountain of Youth that can save you from the horrors of getting older. No one looks forward to the physical and mental deterioration that comes with aging, but it happens to us all. The good news is that there are a few things you can take to decrease the toll that aging takes on your body. One of these things has been gaining immense traction in the past decade, and it’s become increasingly affordable and accessible: cannabidiol. Let’s take a look at the popular compound and see how it relates to helping you live life to the fullest, which may in turn help you live longer! But first, let’s explore what CBD is and what it isn’t.

What CBD Is

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a powerful compound that is derived from the cannabis plant, specifically hemp. While there are over 100 compounds (known as cannabinoids) that have been found in the hemp plant, CBD is the most abundant. It can be used to help your overactive mind relax, reduce physical discomfort, alleviate inflammation, decrease emotional duress, and others. We’re still learning about all that CBD can do and studies are conducted every day on what CBD can be used for. We’ll be studying in closer detail some of the things that CBD can do in the following paragraphs, but it’s also important to note what CBD cannot do.

What CBD Is Not

First and foremost, CBD should not be considered a cure-all for everything that ails you. CBD can help the individual manage certain aspects of their life more efficiently, but there are a number of factors that are simply out of the user’s control. In terms of aging, stress, genetics, lifestyle choices, and much more can speed up or slow down the aging process. CBD should not be substituted for prescribed medicine, nor should it be consumed prior to consulting your primary care physician. Lastly, CBD is not going to get you high. You may experience some psychoactive benefits that can help uplift your mood, increase your energy, jumpstart your creativity, improve your appetite, and more. But will it get you high as a kite?

The Endocannabinoid System Within

Your body is composed of many fascinating systems: digestive, reproductive, skeletal, and other systems that you’ll likely recall from the days of your high school science classes. Yet one system is fairly new in its discovery: the endocannabinoid system. Scientists gave it this name after seeing how cannabis (either hemp- or marijuana-derived cannabinoids) is processed within your body. Shortened to the ECS, this system is responsible for regulating your mood, appetite, inflammation, physical discomfort, sleep, etc. Your ECS works hard to maintain your homeostasis, also known as your balanced state. If anything interrupts that state of balance, your ECS is what’s responsible for correcting it. CBD works in tandem with your ECS to restore balance. Let’s explore that a little bit more in depth.

When you consume a product that contains CBD, the compound binds with your body’s CB1 receptors. This bond activates CBD’s natural anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antioxidant, and other beneficial properties. One specific study on the dysfunction of the body’s ECS can be linked with several long term health issues, which may possibly be improved with the regular consumption of CBD.

Common Aging Accelerants That CBD Can Help With

The amount of stress that adults have to deal with in this day and age is shocking. Watching/reading the news, battling traffic, preparing and participating in social activities, dealing with workplace deadlines, and finding time to sleep are only a few of the ways that can accelerate aging. Unlike movies and books that feature a magical way to stop time, there’s no way to reverse or prevent aging. Yet there are several ways that CBD can help alleviate the physical and mental strain that often accompanies aging. Let’s take a look at some of those now.

Inflammation Reduction

Have you ever blown your nose so hard that the skin becomes red, tender, and perhaps swollen? This is a common scenario of inflammation from allergies. Yet inflammation can also occur from arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and psoriasis. CBD has unique anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the amount of tenderness felt in a specific area. Inflammation reduction has been studied as a way to reduce the effects of aging, and it’s possible that CBD will play a key role in future studies.

Stress Management

It’s no secret that stress has a nasty way of making us feel (and look!) older than we really are. Bags under the eyes, tender muscles, and a general sense of weariness (where you’d like to hide under the covers until the stress monster has gone away) can put a considerable amount of physical aging on the body. When stress is not handled, it can lead to health issues such as mental health decline, autoimmune disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. While stress is an unfortunate side effect of adulthood, there are many ways to help manage it. CBD has been studied for its powerful stress reducing qualities that can also aid in mental health.

CBD & Neurodegeneration

There are several studies that are interested in seeing if CBD can aid in the prevention or slowing of certain neurodegenerative diseases, namely Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. We’ll be doing a more in-depth article on this topic later, but it’s encouraging to see the scientific progression of CBD for more than just homeopathic use. CBD has shown effectiveness in neurogenesis (creating new brain cells) and contains fascinating neuroprotective properties. Additionally, CBD contains antioxidant properties that may be effective in protecting against brain damage caused by free radicals. These free radicals are the unstable molecules that may be responsible for certain diseases related to aging.

CBD May Help You Stay Active

As we age, certain activities like hiking, running, or simple workouts may become wistful memories. CBD can help limit the amount of physical discomfort you feel due to inflammation or arthritis, which in turn may help you exercise for longer periods of time. CBD may also speed up your recovery time, allowing you to start your next workout sooner. Just because you can’t complete high-impact workouts doesn’t mean you have to stop being active completely. Walking, yoga, swimming, and other light activities can help you stay active and that alone has its benefits. Many experts claim that staying active and regular exercise can help improve your mental health and prevent the onset of long-term illnesses, all key points to living a long and fulfilling life.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall…

What’s the first thing you usually look at in the mirror? Probably your skin! As you age, you might notice some wrinkles, fine lines on your forehead, spots on your hands, dry patches, and so forth. Your skin may appear thinner and less elastic in places, thus making you feel older than you’d like to admit. This is where topical CBD products may come into play. Since topical creams and ointments only penetrate the skin and don’t ever enter your bloodstream, you may wonder what the point of such products are (a topic we’ll touch on very soon!). Topicals that contain CBD also contain moisturizers, and have been studied for their usefulness to improve the elasticity and hydration of the skin. Lastly, CBD’s antioxidant properties can help prevent collagen deterioration from free radicals, a benefit that may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the skin.


The idea behind growing older terrifies many to the point where they spend thousands of dollars on anti-wrinkle creams, age-defying elixirs, expensive treatments, specialized crystals, and even employing spiritual healers to get rid of negative energy surrounding their aura. There is no perfect product that will keep you looking young forever. CBD is far from perfect, but shows promising results when it comes to slowing down the aging process. Reducing stress, strengthening your ECS, assisting your brain neurogenesis with its neuroprotective properties, helping you stay active, and improving your overall skin health are all things that CBD can help with. Aside from incorporating CBD into your daily life, try to maintain a healthy diet and stay active. Avoid stress as much as you can and try to focus on the good parts of your day. Your mind and body age at different rates, but both are connected in the aging process.

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