Any cannabinoid, including CBD, works by interacting with the user's endocannabinoid system (ECS). While THC works by binding with ECS receptors, scientists are still working to understand exactly how CBD is metabolized. Our bodies still readily absorb cannabinoids, including our skin, which has a high concentration of receptors.
An important fact to note is that our CBD Muscle Cream, like any topical treatment, will target the area it is applied to. This makes it best for use on specific sore areas. Users with full-body pain and soreness may find it more effective to use one of our Crystall oral tinctures, which affects the whole body by entering the bloodstream.
CBD Muscle Cream is best for relieving localized pain, such as post-workout soreness or tension from sitting at a desk. Joint pain, which happens deeper beneath the skin, is better treated with an oral tincture, which targets more ECS receptors throughout the body. Using the two together can amplify the CBD's effects, since you are affecting ECS receptors both within and on the surface of your body.
While CBD products are a valuable tool for treating a variety of issues, they are not a replacement for medical care. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. Consult your healthcare professional regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition.