If you are using a tincture: Begin with the recommended serving size of one full dropper and adjust as needed. Everyone is different, and the amount of CBD you need depends on a combination of factors.
If you are using CBD isolate: If you are unsure about how much CBD, CBN, or CBG isolate to take, we recommend starting with roughly 25mg and adjusting your dose as needed. We provide a serving spoon with each isolate order. This serving spoon can hold 50 to 80mg of isolate. So, 25mg of isolate equates to roughly half a serving spoon. If you prefer a more exact dose, a digital cooking scale is the best tool to weigh your isolate with.
If you are using Softgels: Begin with one capsule a day and adjust as needed. Each capsule contains 25mg of CBD, so you may want to begin with more depending on your purpose or previous experience.
The most important thing to remember is that consistency is the key. No matter what CBD you use, taking it consistently is the only way to ensure that your body utilizes each dose effectively. If you have never used CBD before or use it irregularly, you may need five to ten days of regular use before you begin to notice the benefits of CBD.
Please note: we recommend taking your CBD on a full stomach. Like other supplements, using CBD on an empty stomach may result in minor side effects.